Library Closures Are Stealing From Our Future

Monday 24 February 2014

I believe words have great power over us. They can hurt, manipulate and even perfect us. They allow development and education; influence us and help broaden our horizons. Library closures cut off our access to the main source of words. Books. With literacy rates in United Kingdom decreasing, why do libraries make up less than 1% of councils’ spending? Why are we being robbed of the freedom of reading? Deprived of something we have the basic right to? Something which could unlock a better future for everyone.

Porty Does Strictly

Monday 10 February 2014

We would like to thank all our “Porty Does Strictly” couples that took part in helping raise money for our partner school in Kenya. And also a massive congratulations to Ms Nisbet and Mr McNiven, the overall winners of the fantastic night. We’ve decided to put some questions to Ms Nisbet to find out a bit more about the event.